June, a month for our very important and special man in our lives, it's not our uncles, brothers, or even our boy friends, its no other than our beloved father. Daddy, Papa, Dada, Papang, Pudra, Popcy, or anyway you call him, he's still our father that contributes in making us here present in this world. This month will only strike once, so why don't we spend it with him anyway? It's time for us to repay him even in our little ways just to make it special for them.
By the way, my father is Manuel Abellon-Ranque. He's now living 37 years in this world. He was 22 when he already became a father and at the age of 23, he already have two daughters, me and my sister, to sustain with. These gave him big responsibilities in life in that early age. But it doesn't stop him to be the best father that a child could ever have. He's the best in a way that his working really hard to supply our needs and wants in life. Because of his busy career, my relationship with him is not so deep that I can share all my secrets, that a teenager can have, with him. Some says that fathers often tells secrets to others too and some were not expressive enough that the child will think that they were not loved by their fathers. But actually, if only given that chance, our fathers would rather choose spending every second, minute, and hour of their time together with their kids than to spend their time at work. But its just that they need to earn money to satisfy the needs and wants, so we must be thankful because our fathers are willing to sacrifice for us. Happy Father's Day to all fathers especially my "Papang". I Love You PaPa Dong, your the best !